Saturday, November 20, 2010

A day in the life of my dog

Photo sourced from Flickr - User Che89

I have selected this photo as I have a one year old Border Collie.  She is obsessed with balls - netballs, small boucy balls and tennis balls.  She drags a netball around by chewing a flat part of the ball.  My boyfriend is outside painting and she just loves to be around him all day following him around.  She will drop the ball near him so he has to kick it constantly and she runs around flat out chasing it.  I would love to have her energy!!


  1. Hello, thanks for sharing the nice picture!

  2. Love the pic, we use to have a dog like that, she passed away many years ago. We now have 2 jack russells, who are nuts! One of them loves squeaky toys, it drives you mad!

  3. Awwww .... she looks gorgeous!

  4. Dogs can be such great companions. My Mum who is 80 lost her little dog a couple of years ago so now she takes every opportunity to babysit anyone in the family's dog when they are going away as she loves the company.

  5. Is there colour in that picture? the ball looks brown but the rest looks black and white...artsy!

  6. My dog is the same if you are out the back you have to throw the ball and if you don't he barks until you do. So well behaved not lol

  7. thanks everyone for the nice comments, that's not actually Eva though! She is a short haired border collie and she is 14 months. I will try to add a photo of her to my blog :)

  8. Hey everyone,

    That is Eva to the right where the about me section is. Isn't she gorgeous?? I love her to bits :)

  9. Beautiful dog and has obviously captured the hearts of the Library 2.0 training world. 11 comments - that must be a record.

  10. What a fantastic pic of your dog! Thanks for sharing her with us!

  11. I love dogs, they are truely a man's best friend

  12. I Iove your dog too. Your boyfriend must be very kind to play with the dog while he's busy working.
